Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Via vs. Megan

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."

Dr. Seuss
My Personal Precept
I'm going to start by saying that Via is me, just in a different life.
Via struggled so hard with fitting in at first when she first entered high school.  Both of her friends, Miranda and Ella, had traveled down a new path before entering their new school, and Via continued down her same old path, alone.
When I entered high school, I knew that I would probably lose some of my friends, but I didn't know it's where I would lose my best friends.
In eighth grade, I had two best friends, kind of like Via.  I loved them and we did everything together.  Here's the thing though, when I entered high school, our paths kind of split.  The only thing that differed from Via's experience and my own was that we kind of all went our separate ways.  The three best friends who everyone thought would stick together, continued down their own path.
Our paths kept getting farther and farther apart, and eventually, I lost one of them completely to another group of friends that she had found.
At least I still had one of my best friends, well friends.
It seemed that Via struggled with a lot of things when entering high school.
Something that Via also dealt with besides losing her friends was the fact that nobody, besides Miranda and Ella, knew about Auggie.
R.J. Palacio really jerked at my heart when she explained Via's and Auggie's Grandmother.  It hurt my heart to know that the one who thought Via was an amazing person was gone. 
I haven't either of my grandparents, but I know that if I did, my life wouldn't be the same.
Via wanted nothing other than to protect August, and that's what she was trying to do when she decided to not mention the play to her family.  She didn't want everyone at her new school to stare, she had already put August through that once.
She loved her brother, but here's the thing, she knew that bringing him into a new school environment would only hurt him.
She wanted nothing more than to protect him.

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